Monday, February 25, 2013

DNA Doesn't Make Them Family

In life we are lucky to find even three people that we can count on through anything. Three people that we can call true friends.

For me, I've never I had a close family. I have a large family and a lot of relatives  but we aren't a very close family. I don't really know anyone on my dad's side. I know my Uncle Al, who is the only blood related Uncle that I'm actually close to. My Grandma K, who I don't really get to see much. My Aunt Kathy, who passed away last March, and her daughter Jeni.

My mom has two brothers and two sisters. Uncle Richie and I are not close. He has this thing where he thinks he's better than all of us. My Aunt Nancy is a crazy, sociopathic, megalomaniac, and a pathological liar who had cheated on her husband and then married her first cousin.Uncle Stephen and I were close when I was younger; somethings can never be unsaid. We aren't very close  now. He has abandoned us in favor of his girlfriend's family. Aunt Joann was cool until recently; she pulled some stunts that have distanced us.

On my mom's side I only really talk to my cousin Danielle and her family, my cousin Jake, and the monster trio. Sarah and I were very close, but her mother is Aunt Nancy. I don't really see her all that much  now. I'm cool with Uncle Bobby and Uncle Jackie. Great Aunt Joann is sweet and Uncle Jerry is hysterical.

My family isn't really made up of people I'm related to. Aunt Cindy is my mom's friend, as is Uncle Brian. Aunt Heather is my step-dad's sister. Sarah, Jake and Noah are Brian's kids. They are my family along with my step-sisters, my sister, my Mama, dad, and step-dad. I got Poppop, but that's only when he remembers us. My friends count for the other half of my family.

As I said in the beginning, we are lucky if we can find three people that we can call our true friends. I am fortunate enough to say that I have found twelve. We are oddly close for such a large group.

I know that outside of the group I have Tarzan, but he lives in another state and we aren't as close as we were, even if we talk to each other quite a lot on facebook. Mad Hatter and I aren't really as close anymore. I still care about him a lot, but I have realized that there is a lot that I am not comfortable talking to him about. He is still my friend, but he isn't my best friend anymore. It took me going into Riverview to realize that. He wasn't one of the people I wanted to visit me.

My two best friends are Megara and PJ. Megara and I have been friends since middle school. We had our first jobs together. I can tell her anything and trust her with everything. She is my sister in every sense except DNA. She is a part of my family and I know that she will always be someone I can count on. I would do anything for her. She has done so much for me, and I don't think I could ever repay her enough for it all.

PJ and I were set up on a blind date almost two years ago. It did not work out at all. I little over a year ago we started to talk on facebook. I invited him to my anti-Valentine's party and that was it. We started hanging out more and more. In the last year he has become one the best friend's I could have asked for. Yes, there are times when we get on each other's nerves and we cannot talk comics without getting into a full blown geek-war, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. He's like family now.

Sunshine is now a Kitten, and I'm glad that my sister and I are close enough now that we can share a group of friends without stepping n each other's toes.

Beret Girl and I knew each other in high school but we didn't become close until she started dating PJ. She is one of the funniest people I have ever met. We both fangirl over Glee, much to PJ's annoyance. She helps Megara and I prank PJ, and she is just awesome.

Tweedle Dee and I knew each other in high school as well. We both love glitter and are determined to take over the world with it one day. We are DC obsessed and love the same manga/anime. When we fangirl, we fangirl all out.

Tweedle Dum is just the sweetest guy I have ever met. He is very respectful, a little loud, and a lot o fun. He's one of those people that there presence just makes everyone feel safe and comfortable. He doesn't judge (no one in the group does). He is a great friend.

Flotsom is my cousin. She is a sweet girl, and very fun to hang out with. She is crazy and entertaining. Love when she comes out with us. She is just adorable.

Jetsom is Flotsom's best friend. She is awesome. We have a lot in common and talk a lot. She is very understanding and always keeps things interesting.

Knave of Hearts is just really something else. He and I have the same taste in movies, and most music. We agree on a lot except Glee. I will convert him into a Gleek one day! I love him, but I'll get over that eventually.

Ling is another one that I can tell anything to. He and Megara are the only ones who know about Riverview in its entirety. He is very sweet, kinda awkward, and all over awesome. He's a very fun person, and always interesting to hang out with.

Big Mama seems like she is older than all of us, but she isn't. She is a fun person and has a lot of good opinions and talents. I can't wait for her to get back during spring break.

New to the group is Caesar. He fits in with us perfectly. Jetsom introduced him to us. He's funny and smart. In a few weeks he'll be perfectly integrated with the rest of us.

The Kittens have very little boundaries. We tell each other almost everything, and we are completely comfortable around one another. We have pretty much zero tolerance for bullshit, and will call each other out if we think one of us is pulling it. We have very little conflict, almost non-existent. We balance one another out, we act crazy, but at the end of the day, we have each other's backs. They are my family and I caouldn't have asked for a better one.

It doesn't matter that I am not e=very close with my blood related family because true family isn't really about blood. It's about the people who love you for you. The ones who came into your life and never left. Family is about the people who will have your back while letting you know when you are being stupid. They stick with you through the bad times, and make the good times better. They tease you, and frustrate you, but you love them anyways. You piss them off, and argue, but know that when it counts, you will stand back to back. At the end end of they day, I know that I have my three parents, my stepsisters, my sister, two uncles, two Aunts, and a few cousins that make up half of my family. The other half are the Kittens. They are all my family, my real family. I wouldn't trade them for the world.