The Innocent Kittens Fanfiction

Believe me, I love my friends. They are an amazing group of people. Ling wanted to know what Yaoi was. I explained. Ling decided that he would read a Yaoi if I wrote one about him and Knave,,,,,I did and posted it in the Kittens' facebook group. Now the both of them are disturbed. Lafayette is hard-core shipping them and Jetsam is asking me to write more. So here is is, the start of the Kittens' fanfiction page!!!

This is fanfic #1 ~ Knave tops Ling

It was cramped. The back seat of the car not allowing a lot of movement. Knave leaned down, pressing Ling further into the plush upholstery. He lowered his head into the hollow of the older’s neck and licked, earning a shudder, before he bit down. Ling cried out at the slightly painful sensation, his back arching in a way that connected the two boys’ groins. They both moaned at the delicious friction, needing more.

Knave moved one of his hands between them, fingers ghosting over the skin just above the waistband of his pants. Ling groaned as Knave skillfully undid the button of his jeans, dragging the zipper down tooth by tooth.  Ling groaned and pulled Knave closer to him until they were face to face.

“Tease.” The seventeen year old muttered before crashing his mouth to the other’s.

Their teeth clinked causing both to wince. Marc’s hands came up to grasp at Knave’s hair, while Knave had one hand next to his lover’s head, propping him up, the other possessively gripping at the older’s hip. Knave bit down lightly on Ling’s lower lip, drawing a gasp from the willing mouth. He took his chance and slipped his tongue into his friend’s moist cavern, mapping out every inch. Ling’s tongue joined in, not even fighting for dominance.

Knave smirked into the kiss as he felt Ling grow desperate beneath him. He pulled back from the kiss and lifted his shirt over his head. Ling’s eyes roamed over the now exposed chest of his younger lover. Following his example the high school senior shed his hoodie before peeling his shirt off of his body. Knave looked  down at Ling.

“Eager, are we?”

“St-stop being a damn tease!”

“Oh, I’m being a tease? Well,” Knave moved the hand on Ling’s hip to gently palm the hardening length of his needy partner, “we can’t have that, now can we?”

Ling tried to glare at him in response but the lust and desire burning in his eyes took away from it.

“Fuck you.”

“Oh, I’m going to.”

Knave sat back on the seat, pulling Ling into his lap. He lowered his head to the mark he left on his friend’s pale neck, and bit down again, sucking on that one spot until it became a dark bruise that he wouldn’t be able to cover up. Ling whimpered at the pain, but it only added to pleasure he was feeling. He tilted his head to give the sophomore better access.

Knave lowered his hands into the back of Ling’s pants, squeezing the round globes of pliant flesh. He teased his fingers along the crack, feeling the body on his lap tense, before retracting his hands. Knave leaned forward, lowering Ling back onto the seat, before sitting back up. Ling looked up at him, confused.

“These gotta come off.” Knave chuckled before tugging the pants down his lover’s legs. They got caught at the ankles but Ling helped and finished kicking them off.  “I have to admit, I miss the pink thongs. They looked good on you.”

“Stop playing games!”

“But toying with you is too much fun.”

Ling’s retort died on his tongue as the fabric of his boxers was teasingly being pulled over his throbbing erection. Knave just grinned as he finally tossed the boxers onto the floor of the car.

“Do you have any lotion or something?”

Ling just shook his head, not trusting his voice.  Knave just looked at him before pressing three fingers to his friend’s swollen lips.

“You better get them nice and wet then.”

Ling opened his mouth, drawing the fingers in. He looked directly into Knave’s eyes as he twirled his tongue slowing around and in between each digit. Knave groaned, and felt his shorts tighten almost painfully as he felt Ling sensually and thoroughly coat his fingers. He pulled his now slick fingers out of the warm mouth. He used his other hand to spread Ling’s legs open. Knave slid into the space between the taught thighs. He lifted the seventeen year old’s ass until it rested on his lap.

“You ready?”

“Do it!”

Knave waited a few seconds to make sure Ling was positive before he trailed one spit slicked finger over Ling’s testicles, past the perineum, before he circled it around the puckered entrance. Ling shuddered under him, Knave couldn’t help but smirk as he slid the first finger inside. The senior squirmed at the intrusion, but didn’t complain. It felt weird, but not painful. The younger teen slowly started to pump his finger in and out, preparing his friend for what was to come.

Knave leaned down to kiss Ling, distracting the teen as he slid the second finger inside. The gasp Ling emitted was swallowed by Knave’s dominating mouth. The stretch burned a little but wasn’t really painful. Knave started to slid the two fingers in and out, scissoring them apart and stretching his lover even more. Soon enough, Knave crooked his fingers in just the right way, and sent a shockwave of pleasure shooting up Ling’s spine, making him arch his back , breaking the  kiss.

Knave pressed against the sensitive bundle of nerved a few more times before shoving all three fingers into the tight heat. Ling winced at the intrusion, a slight stinging moving up his spine. Knave thrusted his fingers a few times until Ling adjusted before spreading them as far as he could. He pressed right next to his lover’s prostate, so close but not really touching it.

Knave waited until he saw that Ling was close before withdrawing his fingers out of the willing body. Ling whined at the loss, before attempting to glare at Knave. The younger just laughed as he undid the front of his own pants, before lowering them and his boxers just enough to free his aching member. He shifted Ling’s hips and lined up his cock.

“Last chance. Are you sure?”

“Just fuck me already!”

Knave didn’t need any further prompting before slamming himself all the way to the hilt inside of his friend. Ling screamed at the intrusion, feeling like he was being split in two. Pain shot up his back, but at the same time, it felt so good, so right. Knave thought it felt amazing. The tight velvety walls were spasming around his length; either trying to adjust or expel him. It took all of his willpower to stay still and wait for Ling to adjust.

A couple of minutes went by and Ling felt the pain start to lessen until it was only a dull throb. He experimentally squeezed and felt Knave’s length twitch inside of him. Knave groaned at the tight heat surrounding him, needing to move but not wanting to hurt his friend. After what felt like an eternity to him, Ling gave him the go ahead.

Knave pulled almost all of the way out before pushing back in slowly. He did this for a few strokes before Ling grew impatient and growled at him to move faster. Knave pulled all the way put again, this time slamming back in. He set a brutal pace, thrusting in fast enough to make the sound of  flesh slapping flesh louder than the voice of  Anthony Green pouring out from the radio.

On a particularly hard thrust, Ling’s head hit the door and created a loud thud. Knave paused for a second before pulling out, ignoring Ling’s groan of protest. He leaned back, resting on the other door, before pulling Ling into his lap once again. Before Ling could ask what he was doing, Knave had lined himself up again, and thrusted in. Ling moaned as fireworks danced behind his eyes, the new angle causing Knave to slam directly against his prostate.

A string of profanities and incoherent spilled forth from Ling’s mouth as Knave thoroughly abused his prostate. Ling kept in time with Knave’s thrusts, slamming himself down whenever Knave thrusted up. He could feel the pleasure coiling in the pit of his stomach.

“So…close..” He panted out, drooping his head onto the sixteen year old’s shoulder.

Knave moved one of his hands between their bodies to grasp Ling’s weeping erection, the other still gripping firmly on his lover’s hip hard enough to leave bruises. He timed his strokes with his thrusts.

“Gonna cum, Ling?”

“Ngh! Pl-please! Need t-to cum!”

Knave just smirked and sped up his thrusts.

“Cum for me Ling,” another thrust, “Your ass is mine now, and you’ll do what I say,” a harsh tug, “Cum, now!”

With that Ling was spilling his seed all over Knave’s hand and both of their stomachs. White swarmed his vision as he rode out the waves of pleasure coursing through his body. Ling’s tight walls clamping down on Knave’s cock, squeezing him impossibly tight. It only took a few more erratic thrusts into the spent body before he too was at his limit. He pulled out one last time before thrusting himself back in as far as he could go before he was cumming hard, filling his lovers body. Ling let out another moan as he felt a warmth explode inside of him.

The two teens rested for a moment, each trying to catch their breaths as they rode out the last aftershocks of their orgasms. After a few moments, Knave pulled out. Ling winced at the sensation, already missing the feeling of being full. Knave felt a rush of heat flood him as he watched his cum drip out of his friend’s abused hole. If he wasn’t so exhausted, he would go for another round, but it was too soon and their friends would start to wonder where they had gone off to.

The comfortable feelings of their afterglow was interrupted by someone talking.

“Hey, there you guys are….OH MY GOD!”

Ling struggled to get his pants on, not even bothering with his boxers. Knave quickly did up his shorts. As soon as they got their shirts over their heads, they opened the car door to find P.J. crying next to a tree in the parking lot, muttering about things he can never unsee, while Beret Girl was comforting her boyfriend, finding the whole thing entirely amusing. Amanda was standing off to the side laughing, while Tweedle Dee had her camera and was filming the entire thing.

Fanfic # 2 ~ What P.J. did before he caught them

The parking lot was nearly empty as a few Kittens were leaving the store. Tweedle Dee and Amanda were playing with her camera as P.J. and Beret Girl were walking ahead of them, wondering where Knave and Ling had disappeared to. They had called them a few times, but none of them had gotten an answer.

“So Ling’s car is still here. Maybe we should just wait it out?” Amanda asked.

“Yeah., They have to get back here sometime.” Beret Girl agreed.

“I’m going to see if they’re in Ling’s car.”

P.J. started walking forward towards the black car. They other three following behind. Tweedle Dee had the shorter girl’s camera and was filming the conversation. As P.J. got to the car. He opened the back door.

“Hey, there you guys are….OH MY GOD!”

P.J. slammed the door shut before running away from the car. He dropped down next to one of the trees in the parking lot, crying and rocking back and forth while muttering about things he can never unsee. Beret Girl felt bad seeing her boyfriend freak out, but the entire situation was highly amusing. How often do you catch your friends doing that? Well, in this group…a lot more than you’d think. Tweedle Dee and Amanda high fived each other for getting it on film.

“We are so posting that to the group!”

“Oh most definitely!”

The two kept filming as their two disheveled friends emerged from the car, the scent of sex and sweat following them.

Fanfiction #3 ~ Ling Tops Knave

It was cramped. The back seat of the car not allowing a lot of movement. Knave leaned down, pressing Ling further into the plush upholstery. He lowered his head into the hollow of the older’s neck and licked, earning a shudder, before he bit down. Ling cried out at the slightly painful sensation, his back arching in a way that connected the two boys’ groins. They both moaned at the delicious friction, needing more.

Knave moved one of his hands between them, fingers ghosting over the skin just above the waistband of his pants. Ling groaned as Knave skillfully undid the button of his jeans, dragging the zipper down tooth by tooth.  Ling groaned and pulled Knave closer to him until they were face to face.

“Tease.” The seventeen year old muttered before crashing his mouth to the other’s.

Their teeth clinked causing both to wince. Ling’s hands came up to grasp at Knave’s hair, while Knave had one hand next to his lover’s head, propping him up, the other possessively gripping at the older’s hip. Knave bit down lightly on Ling’s lower lip, drawing a gasp from the willing mouth. He took his chance and slipped his tongue into his friend’s moist cavern, mapping out every inch. Ling’s tongue joined in, not even fighting for dominance.

Knave smirked into the kiss as he felt Ling grow desperate beneath him. He pulled back from the kiss and lifted his shirt over his head. Ling’s eyes roamed over the now exposed chest of his younger lover. Following his example the high school senior shed his hoodie before peeling his shirt off of his body. Knave looked  down at Ling.

“Eager, are we?”

“St-stop being a damn tease!”

“Oh, I’m being a tease? Well,” Knave moved the hand on Ling’s hip to gently palm the hardening length of his needy partner, “we can’t have that, now can we?”

Ling tried to glare at him in response but the lust and desire burning in his eyes took away from it.

“Fuck you.”

“Oh, I’m going to.”

Knave sat back on the seat, pulling Ling into his lap. He lowered his head to the mark he left on his friend’s pale neck, and bit down again, sucking on that one spot until it became a dark bruise that he wouldn’t be able to cover up. Ling whimpered at the pain, but it only added to pleasure he was feeling. He tilted his head to give the sophomore better access.

Knave lowered his hands into the back of Ling’s pants, squeezing the round globes of pliant flesh. He teased his fingers along the crack, feeling the body on his lap tense, before retracting his hands. Knave leaned forward, lowering Ling back onto the seat, before sitting back up. Ling looked up at him, confused.

“These gotta come off.” Knave chuckled before tugging the pants down his lover’s legs. They got caught at the ankles but Ling helped and finished kicking them off.  “I have to admit, I miss the pink thongs. They looked good on you.”

“Stop playing games!”

“But toying with you is too much fun.”

Ling’s retort died on his tongue as the fabric of his boxers was teasingly being pulled over his throbbing erection. Knave just grinned as he finally tossed the boxers onto the floor of the car.

“Do you have any lotion or something?”

Ling just shook his head, not trusting his voice.  Knave just looked at him before pressing three fingers to his friend’s swollen lips.

“You better get them nice and wet then.”

Ling opened his mouth, drawing the fingers in. He looked directly into Knave’s eyes as he twirled his tongue slowing around and in between each digit. Knave groaned, and felt his shorts tighten almost painfully as he felt Ling sensually and thoroughly coat his fingers. He pulled his now slick fingers out of the warm mouth. He used his other hand to spread Ling’s legs open. Knave slid into the space between the taught thighs. He lifted the seventeen year old’s ass until it rested on his lap.

“You ready?”


Knave looked down at his partner and saw how nervous he was.

“Do you want to stop?”

“No. J-just nervous.”

Knave’s eyes softened when he realized how anxious his friend was. He leaned over and kissed Ling. He slowly worked their lips together, gently sucking Ling’s plush lower lip into his mouth. The older teen moaned and relaxed under his lover. When Knave broke the kiss, he rested his forehead against Ling’s, their breaths coming out in short puffs and mingling together.

“Just this once, I’ll bottom for you.”

Ling’s eyes widened at Knave’s words. He never expected the younger male to willingly submit to him.


“Yea. It’s no problem. I want you to feel comfortable, but don’t get the wrong idea. I’m still in charge.”

With that said, Knave slid Ling off of his lap, before unbuttoning his shorts and sliding them off. Ling sat back and watched as his friend slowly stripped himself of his last article of clothing. When he was fully naked, the sixteen year old shifted their positions until Ling was laying on his back, knees bent and resting against the other backseat door. Knave moved until he was straddling Ling’s waist. The older watched as Knave brought his own damp fingers to his mouth and sucked on them, getting them even more spit soaked than before.

When Knave deemed his fingers wet enough he took them out of his mouth and lowered them to his own backside, trailing them until he reached his entrance. Ling’s breath caught in his throat as he watched Knave insert a finger into himself. He watched the rise and fall of his friends chest as Knave slowly worked his fingers in and out of himself.

Knave’s breath hitched as he inserted another finger, preparing himself further. The stretch was unusual, but not painful. He pumped his fingers in and out, crooking his fingers until he brushed against the bundle of nerves that made him see stars. He added another finger and spread them, trying to stretch himself as much as he could.

Ling watched with half lidded eyes as his friend was wanton and panting above him. His eyes were focused on the fingers pumping in and out of the tight ring of muscles. Knave’s thighs were shaking as he was struggling to keep himself upright as pleasure wracked his lithe frame. Slowly Knave retracted his fingers, panting as he tried to get his breathing back under control. He looked down at Ling, and smirked as he saw his friend’s flushed face and heavy breathing. At this rate, he knew that they weren’t going to last long.

“You ready?” Knave asked as he got ready to position himself.

Ling could only manage a jerky nod as he felt one of Knave’s hands reach down and take hold of his aching member.

Knave braced one arm on Ling’s pale chest, the other reaching behind him to line Ling’s cock up with his well prepared hole. He felt the head press against his opening and slowly he slid down, feeling each searing inch sink further into him. It felt like he was being torn in two, but the stretch just hurt him so good. He didn’t stop until he was fully seated on Ling’s lap; the older’s ball’s resting snug against his ass.

Ling groaned as he felt Knave sink onto him. The feeling of those velvety walls constricting snuggly around his member almost made him lose his control, but he waited what felt like an eternity until he was fully sheathed inside his friend’s athletic body. He lifted up his hands and securely grabbed on to Knave’s hips, waiting for the younger to move.

Knave let out a shaky breath and braced both hands on Ling’s chest. It hurt, but he wasn’t going to stop now. He just had to find that one spot. Slowly, he lifted himself up until only the tip was inside; he quickly dropped back down. Ling moaned and tightened his grip as he felt Knave start bouncing up and down on his cock.

Knave set a fast pace, lifting himself until Ling was almost out of him before slamming himself back down as hard as he could. Ling matched him thrust for thrust. Every time Knave dropped down, Ling thrusted upwards to meet him. The sound over skin slapping skin reverberated throughout the car, mixing with the harsh breaths and muttered curses as they were quickly reaching their peak.

Knave shifted back just a little and he was seeing white. He lifted himself up again, dropping down, Ling’s penis striking directly against his prostate. Knave kept up the pace, hitting his prostate every time until him could barely breath. Pleasure was coursing through his body, causing lights to dance behind his eyes.

Ling could feel Knave starting to lose control. He used his grip on his lover’s hips and helped lift Knave up and down his length, the younger’s anal muscles squeezing his cock impossibly tight. He was close. He could feel the coil of heat in his belly. He refused to be the first one to cum. Ling lifted one of his hamds to stroke Knave.

Knave couldn’t take it anymore. The duel stimulation of his prostate being pounded and the hand on his dick. It was too much, yet not enough. His entire body was tingling in pleasure. It only took a few strokes of Ling’s hands before Knave was cumming hard; ribbon after ribbon of the milky white substance covering the both of their chests and stomachs.

Ling felt Knave’s inner walls clenching around him, hugging his prick impossibly tight. He was so close. The older quickly pulled out of Knave, the younger whimpering at the loss of the girth inside of him. Ling reached one hand down and stroked himself a couple times before he too was cumming; his semen landing around Knave’s abused and gaping entrance, dripping down over his testicles.

Knave collapsed on Ling’s chest, feeling completely and utterly spent. Ling’s arms came up and wrapped around Knave’s waist as the two of them struggled to catch their breaths. Neither of them caring about the cum cooling and sticking to their skins, practically gluing the two of them together. They knew they had to get up soon; their friends would be wondering where they had gone off to.

The comfortable feelings of their afterglow was interrupted by someone talking.

“Hey, there you guys are….OH MY GOD!”

Ling struggled to get his pants on, not even bothering with his boxers. Knave doing the same. As soon as they got their shirts over their heads, they opened the car door to find PJ crying next to a tree in the parking lot, muttering about things he can never unsee, while Beret Girl was comforting her boyfriend, finding the whole thing entirely amusing. Amanda was standing off to the side laughing, while Tweedle Dee had her camera and was filming the entire thing.

Fanfiction #4 ~ Princess/Knave With Voyeur Ling

The back room was empty. Amanda had brought everyone else over to her house to get started on the horror movie marathon. The mess wasn’t too bad and it didn’t take long for Princess and Knave to pick all the garbage up and toss it out. It was just a regular night and nothing too interesting happened. Neither knew how it went from cleaning to this. They couldn’t remember who started it or how it got so far. The haze of lust and need was clouding their thoughts and they didn’t very well care at the moment either. Not as long as they got more.

The cool green material of the pool table felt good against Knave’s heated flesh. His arms were falling asleep behind him but he couldn’t care less. Not as long as Princess’s lips kept trailing down his neck; licking, nipping and kissing every inch of skin he came across. His stubble lightly scratching at the sensitive skin. He couldn’t remember who found the handcuffs first or even how they got on him. The only thing the sixteen year old could focus on was the heavy weight on top of him and the near painful straining of his member inside his suddenly too tight shorts.

Princess lifted his lips from the younger’s neck after one last bite right behind Knave’s ear. Too high up to cover when it darkens. He stood up, resting his full weight back on the floor as he skimmed his fingers down the athlete’s sides, stopping as he reached the hem of his shirt. Princess pushed Knave’s shirt up to the younger’s armpits, lowering his head to swipe his tongue over one of the tiny buds on the toned chest. He brought one hand over to tease the other nipple, noting how quickly they hardened. Knave arched into the touch, Princess’s hot mouth sending tingles over his skin.

‘Sensitive? Isn’t he,’ Princess thought, ‘This is going to be fun.’

Princess pulled away from the sensitive nubs, instead trailing his tongue down Knave’s abdomen, giving harsh bites whenever the younger arched up. He was determined to leave no inch of that perfectly sculpted chest go unblemished by the time they were done. He wouldn’t be able to hide all of them. Everyone would know what happened. They may not know who, but they would know that Knave was off-limits, that someone had owned him and left their claim all over the taught body.

Knave bit his lip to hold in a gasp when he felt Princess’s tongue sliding hot and languid over the skin just above the hem of his shorts. He looked down with half lidded eyes, watching as Princess lifted his head to mouth at the button of the shorts. The two teens kept eye contact as Princess bit down on the button, using tongue and teeth to undo it. The track star squeezed his eyes shut, moaning as Princess used his teeth to tug the zipper down. Knave could feel Princess’s hot breath ghosting through the fabric of his boxers.

Princess used his hands and pulled the article fully off of Knave’s legs, tossing them onto the couch across the room. He leant back down, carefully mouthing his soon-to-be lover through the thin fabric of his boxers. Knave groaned, thrusting up towards the sensation. Princess quickly pinned Knave’s hips down to the table, preventing the younger from making much more movement. The older continued to mouth at the clothed erection for a few more minutes, until his own aching need was becoming to much to ignore.

He slowly lowered Knave’s boxers, watching the younger’s breath catch as the fabric teased against his hard length. Once they were totally off, he threw them across the room as well. He kneeled down and faced the weeping cock in front of him. He experimentally flicked his tongue out and swiped it across the head, tasting the bit of pre-cum that had gathered there.

The taste wasn’t as bad as what Princess was expecting. The little noises Knave was making encouraged him on further. Slowly the older teen closed his mouth over the head, sucking slightly. He used each little gasp and moan his friend let out to cue his next move. He breathed through his nose and took a little bit more in, tongue swiping against the pulsating vein on the underside of the cock in his mouth.

Knave’s eyes were screwed shut, unable to focus on anything except the hot, hot, hot moist mouth covering his penis. It was almost too much for him to bare. He was so close, but it wasn’t enough. His lolled to the side as he felt Princess take more of his length in.

Hearing Knave’s little noises was starting to get to be too much fro Princess. The theater boy pulled off of the shaft, noting the groan of displeasure coming from his partner. He took a deep breath before swallowing the length whole. He stopped when his nose pressed against the dark, course hair at the base of Knave’s cock. Princess’s eyes teared up as he tried to relax his throat. He could hear Knave try to choke back a surprised moan. After a few seconds Princess swallowed, the muscles of his throat spasming against the thick member.

Knave’s fingers clenched behind his back, wanting to hold onto something, anything, but not being able to. The handcuffs were biting into his skin, rubbing them raw and red, but he didn’t care. All he wanted at that moment was more of his friend’s mouth, more of the pleasure. He could feel the heat coiling low in his gut. He was getting close, oh so close, but not there yet. He tried to buck up, but Princess’s hands kept him pinned.

Slowly Princess started to bob his head, picking up a rhythm, swiping his tongue over the slit every time he almost pulls all the way off before going back down and swallowing the entire length. He hollowed his cheeks and hummed and he made his way down the shaft, teasing Knave to his completion.

Princess could tell Knave was close. He moved one of his hands that was pinning Knave’s hips down to tease the younger balls. The added stimulation was all it took before Knave was cumming hard. Princess barely had time to pull back before rope after rope of ejaculate shot out, covering Knave’s stomach.

Princess stood up, pulling his shirt off and tossing it towards Knave’s discarded clothing. He looked down at the panting teen. He looked spent, but they hadn’t even started yet. Now it was Princess’s turn. He swiped his fingers in the cooling cum on Knave’s stomach and coated his fingers in the viscous substance before trailing them over the over-sensitized penis, past the perineum, and towards his goal.

Princess heard the barely audible mewl as his index finger breached the tight ring of muscle. It was tight and oh so hot inside of the younger teen. Princess wanted to take this slow and thoroughly prep his friend, but the straining in his own pants was starting to become unbearable. He quickly pumped his finger in and  out, crooking it in just the right way that had had Knave’s dick twitch. He pressed on the bundle a few more times before adding a second finger into the mix.

Knave wriggled at the feeling of the two fingers moving inside of him, scissoring and spreading him open. He could feel the stirrings of arousal starting to take over already. He thanked God for his teenage libido. He moaned and pushed back down as Princess brushed against his prostate again. It felt like white hot lightening shooting up his spine every time it was pressed against. The feeling was so intense that he barely noticed his partner adding a third finger into his virgin entrance.

Princess could barely contain himself as he watched Knave continuously impale himself on Princess’s fingers. He watched as his digits kept getting swallowed up by Knave’s greedy hole. It was almost enough to make him cum right them and there. He pulled his fingers out, smirking at the whimper of protest Knave let out. It was empowering seeing his usually so dominating, in control friend entirely at his mercy, practically begging for his cock to pound into Knave’s tight little ass. To claim him in the most primal of ways. At that moment Jon wanted nothing more than to take Knave hard enough to keep him from walking for a week. He wanted Knave to still feel him for days after this; for the younger to never forget who fucked him until he couldn’t even remember his own name.


Ling was walking back to the fire house, having been sent to see what was taking the other two so long to clean up. Amanda wanted to make sure that they weren’t getting themselves into any trouble, but she couldn’t leave everyone at her house without her so she had Ling go to check in on them.

The seventeen year old opened the back door to the firehouse. As soon as he stepped inside he could make out odd noises coming from the back room. Quietly he walked over and peaked through to doorway to see what was going on.

He had to cover his mouth in surprise at the scene that he saw. He couldn’t believe it. There in the middle of the room, Princess was, on his knees, and servicing Knave. He wanted so badly to look away but he just couldn’t bring himself to. It was like watching a train wreck, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the impending disaster.

His face grew hotter as the little noises Knave was making started to get to him. He could feel his own member start to stir with interest the longer he watched his two friends in their private moment. He felt so dirty for watching, but it was too good to turn away from. He lowered one of his hands to lightly palm himself through his jeans, the other still covering his mouth, trying to stifle any noises he’d make. He didn’t want the other two to catch him. He wasn’t sure where it was because of the impending embarrassment that would occur were they to figure out that they were caught or  because it would end the show.


Princess quickly undid his pants, pulling them and his boxers down just enough to free his own erection. He climbed up onto the pool table, sliding Knave further onto the table. He leaned down and captured Knave’s lips in a searing, bruising kiss. He situated himself in between Knave’s legs, using one hand to prop himself up, and the other to line his cock up to Knave’s loosened entrance.

In the back of his head, Princess knew that he should be using some type of lube to make the penetration easier on Knave, but he was too far gone to care at that point. Slowly he started to ease himself in. He moaned deep in his chest as the velvety tight heat clamped down around him. Involuntarily, his hips bucked forward, pushing more of himself inside of the younger. He could feel Knave tense up around him.

Knave was dizzy with the pleasure and pain of it all. The fingers felt so good, but this was so much bigger than three fingers. He could feel himself stretching around Princess’s length, trying to adjust to something of this size being there. It felt like he was being split in two. It hurt, the searing pain shooting up his spine nd making his eyes water, but oh how he wanted more of it.

Princess could feel Peter’s insides clench down on him, trying to get accustomed to his girth. As much as he didn’t want to hurt Knave, he couldn’t fight back his instincts. In one hard thrust, Princess slammed the rest of his length into Knave’s tight channel. When he was fully sheathed, Princess stopped to catch his breath. Knave was so tight and hot, clenching down around him in a vice like grip. He looked down at Knave and saw his lover’s face scrunched up in pain. Reaching one hand down, Princess started to jerk Knave’s penis to distract him from the pain. He pumped the member several times before he could feel it harden within his palm. Carefully he started to pull out.

Knave bit his lip as he felt Princess bottom out within him. It was strange to feel something inside of him. It hurt more than anything he’d ever felt before, but at the same time it felt so right. He couldn’t help the spark of pleasure that sparked through him as he felt Princess’s dick twitch and pulse inside of him. He tried to keep quiet as Princess slowly pumped his member to full hardness once more. He moaned as Princess started to pull out, the friction of his bare dick tugging against the red and abused skin of his stretched anus.


Ling continued to watch as Princess penetrated Knave. He didn’t know when but one of his hands had slipped inside of his pants and boxers. He was quickly stroking himself, thumb sliding over his slip, smearing precum over the head. He didn’t want to get caught by the two of them and was hoping to be finished before they were.

He could hear nothing but the blood rushing in his ears and the gasps and moans that Knave was making. A part of him wanted to walk in there and join them, but he would have no idea what to do if he did that. It was safer for him to stay hidden and just watch as it all played out in front of him like his own personal porno.


Princess started to pull out until only the tip remained before slamming back in. He set the pace fast and hard, wanting to see how hard he could push the younger before Knave was a sobbing mess under him, begging to cum. He bent his head down and on a particularly hard thrust, he bit down, causing Knave to cry out as Princess broke skin.

It was almost too much for him. Princess was hitting his prostate dead on while pumping him in time with his brutal thrusts, Knave didn’t know how much longer he could last for. His vision was swimming, and every nerve felt like it was on fire. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch, but the damn handcuffs wouldn’t let him. He tried to thrust back onto Princess’s dick every time the older thrust back in. He beginning to become delirious from the pleasure of it all.


Marc reached his completion  as he saw Knave lose all control underneath Princess. The sight of Knave, wanton and begging for it was enough to drive Ling over the edge, his semen hitting the wall in front of him. As he was catching his breath from the mind numbing orgasm, he continued to watch as his friends fucked on the pool table.

Looking around quickly, he tucked himself back into his pants and redid them just in case Amanda sent someone else over here to check on everything.


Princess licked and nibbled on the spot he bit over and over as he continued to thrust into Knave’s willing and eager body. The noises and incoherent babble pouring out of Knave’s mouth was enough to spur Princess into picking up the stroke of his hand against the younger’s member. Knave’s precum, slicking Princess’s hand, making it easier to slide over the shaft. He was determined to make the younger cum first. He wanted Knave to remember that it was Princess who made him cum twice before Princess even came once. He wanted Knave to Remember who it was that dicked his so good that he would be ruined for anyone else after this.

“Y-you close?”

All Knave could manage was a jerky nod in response.

“Wanna cum?”

Another nod.

“Then say it. T-tell me what y0you want.”

Knave opened his mouth but instead of words, all he could let out were little moans of pleasure. He tried again to answer Princess.

“Ah..ah.hah..W-ant t-t-to c-cum!”

Princess bit down on Knave’s neck again as he moved to hand that was jerking Knave to cup the younger teen’s balls. Knave’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as unadulterated pleasure ripped through his body, making his tors curl and his vision to turn white.

Knave’s second orgasm covered both his and Princess’s chest as he clamped down on Princess’s member while riding out the last waves of pleasure. The feeling of Knave’s orgasm clamping down around him brought Princess to the edge. It only took a few more thrusts before he was cumming hard and deep inside of Knave, filling him with his essence.


Ling waited until Princess had pulled out of Knave and pulled up his pants before walking backwards and loudly opening the back door. He walked back over to the back room. As he walked in, he took in the deer-in-the-headlights look the other two were giving him. He wanted  to laugh, but instead just shook his head.

“I don’t want to know. Amanda was getting worried and sent me over here to check up on you two. Get dressed and let’s hurry over. They already started the movies.”

Princess walked over to where he through his and Knave’s clothes. He pulled his shirt back over his head before going over to Knave and Helping him get his pants and boxers back on. The younger was laying boneless on the table. Princess chuckled and helped Knave to stand up. It only took a second before Knave was falling into Princess’s chest, barely able to stand, his legs were too unsteady.

“Need me to piggy back you?” Princess teased his lover.

“Just shut up and unhand cuff me.”

Princess laughed at Knave before going to where he found the handcuffs.

“Hey Ling?”

The secret voyeur turned to look at Princess.


“Could you go get Amanda?”

“Um, why?”

“I don’t know where the keys to the cuffs are.”

Fanfic #5 ~ Princess/Knave Shower Sex

Stand By Me was playing on the giant TV in Ling’s basement. The Kittens had decided to have a movie night since PJ had never seen movies that everyone should have seen by the time they were twelve. He was very sheltered when it came to movie knowledge. How someone could go twenty years without seeing Stand By Me, or 10 Things I Hate About You was beyond ay of them.

“Mean Girls is next!”

“How have you never seen Mean Girls?!”

PJ just rolled his eyes. He knew his friends were disappointed in his lack of movie watching. He didn’t need to constantly hear about it though. That wouldn’t stop the Kittens. When they got something in mind, they were hard-pressed to let it go anytime soon.

Jetsom and Oliver were sitting on the plush chair, lost in their own world. If the meowing became to frisky, then the others would say something, but for now, the clothes were still on. Amanda, Megara, and Sunshine were sitting on the couch by the wall, playing with their phones. PJ and Beret Girl were on the other side of the couch, watching the movie and cuddling. Tweedle Dum was sitting in the middle of the couch with Tweedle Dee’s head in his lap. The two had cuddled up to each other two movies ago and had yet to separate. Megara had been taking secret pictures of them and posting them on face book. Flotsom, Caesar and Ling were on the floor in front of the couch taking bets on how long it would take Princess and Knave to come back in the room.

Princess and Knave had left to go into the other room. They had been casting awkward glances at one another through the first few movies. About ten minutes before they had left to talk about something. Ling. Of course, had an idea of what it was. A quick glance at Amanda and Megara had him realizing that they were thinking the same thing.

The past weekend Amanda had held a party at her firehouse. After the party they had headed over to her house for a horror movie marathon and sleepover. Knave and Princess had volunteered to stay back and clean up first. Ling had gone over after twenty minutes to see what was taking them so long. He didn’t expect the two of them to be having sex. He had waited until they were done before making his presence known. The two had been embarrassed, but even more so when Ling had to call Amanda over. They couldn’t find the keys to the handcuffs binding Knave’s arms behind his back. The only one’s who knew about what happened were Amanda, Ling and Megara. Amanda couldn’t keep something like that from her best friend.

Since then things had been strained between the two Kittens. Knave and Princess couldn’t look at each other without blushing or stuttering. They sit as far away from one another as they can and have barely spoken since that night. The other Kittens weren’t sure what was going on and the two wouldn’t answer any questions. They had taken a page from Jamie Foxx and blamed that night on the alcohol. It didn’t explain why the stomach flip-flopped and their hearts flutter whenever they looked at each other. It was starting to become painfully obvious to the ones who knew that the stubborn men had feelings for each other.

Amanda, and Megan were texting each other, planning out scenarios of what was happening in the other room. They were on situation number five when Ling texted them and asked what they thought was going to go down. If Knave and Princess don’t figure their feelings out tonight, then they were going to have to stage an intervention, or at least scheme a way to get them together.


In the other room, Princess and Knave were sitting on the couch and looking anywhere except at the other. They knew that they needed to talk but they had no idea where to start. It wasn’t that they regretted what had happened, they just didn’t know how to act towards one another after the fact. They didn’t know how to handle it and weren’t ready to tell the others. Every time the shared a glance or their eyes met, they were afraid the Kittens would just know what had happened and ask for every detail. It wasn’t something they were ready to face.

If the night had been just a blur, then it would be easier to talk about. They could pass it off as an accident and move on. In some time they would even joke about it. If that were the case then everything would be so much better, easier. As it was, they remembered everything right down to the last detail. Every sight, every smell. Every taste and touch. It was like a movie playing in their minds. It was all so vivid. Every time they went to sleep it was like reliving that moment over and over, leaving them waking up to sticky sheets or cold showers more often then they’d care to admit.

The bruises on Knave’s wrists from the handcuffs were a physical reminder of that night. Every time something or someone brushed over them, he’d shiver, unable to stop his body from remembering how Princess’s hands felt as they moved across his body, feeling like they were everywhere at once. It would get him half-hard in a second. It was starting to frustrate him. He wanted more, but he wouldn’t break and ask for it. He was the one to take it last time. He wouldn’t be the one to submit to the growing sexual tension. He had more pride than that.

Princess wasn’t sure how to bring it up. A part of him wanted nothing more than for it to happen again, but he wasn’t sure whether or not Knave would get mad or offended. He didn’t know how the usually dominant teen would react to it considering he was turned into a submissive puddle under Princess’s talented hands. Being with Knave was like nothing Princess had ever experienced before. It was far more amazing than using his hand ever was.

They both jumped when the sound of a train blasted from the speakers. Knave turned to Princess and took a deep breath.

“This is stupid. It happened, so let’s just move on.”

Princess looked at Knave for a second before responding.

“You’re the one making it more awkward then it needs to be!”

“Shh!!! They could hear us!”

“Jeez! It’s not like we’re doing anything!”

Knave just sat there for a moment not saying anything. Princess waited patiently for his friend to say something, after a few minutes Princess sighed before deciding it was on him to talk about everything. Knave clearly wasn’t going to speak anytime soon.

“Unless you want us to be doing something?”

“No! It was a one time thing. Not gonna happen again!”

“Really? You’re getting a little defensive.”

“It is not happening again. It was the alcohol. It isn’t like I enjoyed it.”

“Oh really? I seem to remember that you enjoyed it very much,” Princess said, leaning closer to Knave, “I remember very well how much you loved it.”

Knave slid to the other end of the couch, trying not to let Princess’s words get to him. He wasn’t going to break. Princess smirked and followed Knave to the other side, pressing right up against him, pressing his mouth against the shell of the younger’s ear before continuing his speech.

“I remember all the little noises you made when my hands slid all over your body. I remember how amazing you looked, all hot and panting beneath me. I can remember you moaning my name as I deep throated you. I can remember all those lovely faces you made as I finger fucked you open; the tiny little mewls and pleads for more. Do you remember how you practically begged me to take you? You loved it Knave, just admit it.”

Princess could feel Knave’s heartbeat pick up, see his eyes dilating until they were almost black. He glanced down and could see the growing bulge in  the object of his lust’s cargo shorts. It seems like young Knave was being turned on by his dirty talk. Princess chuckled as he moved one hand to skim down Knave’s chest before lightly squeezing the bulge. Knave gasped and jerked into the touch. Princess continued on.

“Is this turning you on? Hearing my talk about how hot you looked, wanton and begging like a slut under me? You like hearing me describe how my fingers worked your tight ass open for my cock? You can’t deny it when the proof is so very visible. You loved every second of it last time. Your entire world was reduced to the feeling of my cock pounding into you, wrecking you from the inside out.”

Knave couldn’t breathe. He was achingly hard, and knew that his voice wouldn’t be steady enough to answer. He didn’t know whether it was the dirty talk or because it was Princess dirty talking, but it got to him in the most inconvenient way. He needed to stop this before anyone in the other room finds them or he cums in his shorts. Either one would clue them all into what happened. He turned his head and silenced Princess with a frantic kiss.

Princess was shocked by the sudden kiss but quickly returned it, trying to fight dominance from Knave. If it was the last thing he’d ever do, Princess would make Knave admit that he loves Princess taking control and forcing him to submit.  With a little adjusting, Princess had Knave laying on his back with Princess’s weight pressing him into the beige upholstery.  Knave’s arms were  wound around the older’s neck, fingers tugging his hair.

The need for air was catching up with them. With a final bite to Knave’s lower lip, Princess broke the kiss. He wasn’t done though. He lowered him head into the crook over Knave’s neck and bite down. Knave struggled to surpress his surprised cry. Princess laved his tongue over the bite, trying to soothe away the pain. He kissed his way up the side of Knave’s neck before pressing his lips against the younger’s ear once more.

“Why don’t we take this into the bathroom? We could use that awesome shower?”

Without waiting for a reply, Princess pulled Knave off the couch and dragged him towards the bathroom. Once they were inside, he shoved the younger into the door and continued his assault on Knave’s neck, darkening the already purpling hickey. His hands wandered to the hem of Knave’s t-shirt, lifting it up and pulling it off.

Knave’s arousal was taking over. Rational thought was disappearing. All he wanted was more of this feeling. He didn’t care if everyone in the next room caught them. The only thing he could care about was Princess’s lips, the feeling of his facial hair rubbing against his skin, making it raw and sensitive. He barely noticed it when Princess’s fingers deftly popped the button of his shorts, making quick work of the zipper. His shorts hit the floor and he just kicked them away, his own hands trying to get Princess’s top off.

When there mouths met again, it was all tongue and teeth, trying to force the other to submit. Princess wasn’t going to lose, even if it meant playing a little dirty. He shifted one hand from Knave’s lithe waist and towards his crotch. His fingers lighting skimming over the fabric, making Knave moan into the kiss. Princess added a little more pressure, massaging the hardened length through the material of Knave’s boxers. The track star’s mind went hazy, and Princess used that to his advantaged and claimed control of the kiss, forcing Knave into submission with some well placed touches.

Princess quickly removed his own pants, leaving them both in nothing but their boxers. Knave’s hands were buried in Princess’s messy locks, forcing their moths closer together. It was so good, but no where near enough. Princess pulled Knave’s boxers off, letting the younger finish kicking them off before he removed his own. Moaning at the feel of the cool are on his over heated flesh.

Princess moved closer, pressing his chest flush against Knaves, causing their erections to brush together. The friction caused them to break the kiss and moan. At the moment Princess would have been content to just let them keep rutting against each other like the horny teenagers they were, but he had a mission. He would make Knave admit to liking Princess dominating him. He would admit to liking Princess using him as a personal fuck toy who’s only purpose was for Princess to get off on or in. With all the willpower he could muster, Princess pulled away from Knave, smirking at the displeased whine that left Knave’s mouth in protest. That boy had no idea how easy he was making Princess’s mission.

The older teen grabbed Knave’s hand and led him into the shower. Before Knave could say anything, Princess had him pinned to the tiled wall, the cold stone making Knave shiver. Reaching to the side, Princess turned the shower on, nearly scalding water pouring down on them from faucets at every angle.


Hearing the bathroom door close, Ling paused the movie. The shouts of protest were ignored as he got up and peered into the other room. Seeing that neither male was in there, he quickly guessed wht they were going to do. He came back in and looked to Amanda.

“They both went into the bathroom.”

Amanda’s face lit up and a not so comforting smile took over her features. She leaned over and whispered into Tweedle Dee’s ear. Her partner in crime jumped up and laughed. He leaned over and gave Tweedle Dum a peck on the cheek before saying that he’d be back in a minute. Tweedle Dee and Amanda ran out of the room, leaving confusion and a very red Tweedle Dum in their wake.

The two snuck quietly towards the bathroom. They waited a few minutes until they heard the shower turn on. They giggled and waited another minute before slowly opening the door. They had never been so grateful that Ling’s bathroom didn’t have a lock on it.  When the door opened enough for them to get in, they gathered up their friends’ clothing as fast and quietly as they could. They were a little disappointed that the shower doors were too fogged up to see through, but they guessed that they should be thankful, because that means that they couldn’t be seen either.

As quietly as they entered, the two left, silently shutting the door behind them. The ran back into the room where their fellow Kittens were. They jumped on to the couch and proudly dropped Knave and Princess’s clothes in a heap in front of them. They couldn’t help but to laugh as a look of realization crossed the other Kitten’s faces.

There were rapid fire questions and a lot of confusion before Amanda and Megara managed to quiet everyone. Ling and Amanda explained everything that had happened after the party last weekend and why Princess and Knave had been acting so weird in the last week. They had all decided that if those two didn’t admit their feelings tonight, and tried to pass it off as just sex, then they would take matters into their own hands to get them together.

Those two just try and deny it when they have to walk out of the bathroom together with no clothes. The proof was laying in a pile of clothes in front of all of them.


“If we’re having sex again, then I’m topping this time.” Knave told Princess.

The older teen just smiled at him before kissing his neck. Slowly Princess moved down Knave’s body, leaving a trail of searing kisses. When he reached the navel, Princess poked his tongue out and lapped at the water that had gathered there, making Knave gasp. Slowly he slid his tongue down, biting at the V of Knave’s hips. He rested his weight on his knees and left butterfly kisses on the inside of Knave’s thighs. He could feel the muscles quivering under his lips.

“I’m serious. I’m topping this time.”

Princess didn’t say anything in response; instead he just swallowed Knave whole. The younger choked on  his words. The feeling of Princess’s hot mouth on his length was even better then he remembered. He threaded his fingers through Princess’s wet hair as the older started to bob his head.

The steam swirled around them, the heat adding to the heady haze of lust consuming them. It was hard to breathe and dizzying but that made every touch that much more intense. Their skin was tingling, pleasure thrumming through every pore. It was all so much that Knave didn’t even notice the first water soaked digit make it’s way inside of him.

John hummed around the erect member in his mouth. He slowly pumped his finger in and out of Knave, noticing that he felt looser than he had last time, he easily slipped in another digit without Knave knowing. He scissored them apart, feeling around for that certain bundle of nerves. After a moment, he realized that Knave was already very slick inside. The thought traveled down to Princess’s already hard cock. Knave had already fingered and opened himself up before the party. Princess added another finger, stabbing them against the younger’s prostate, causing Knave to cry out in pleasure.

Princess pulled off of Knave with a slick pop. Knave whined at the loss, looking down at Princess through half lidded eyes.

“You’re already so slick and open down here” Knave looked away, a blush spreading from his ears down his neck and chest, “Did you finger yourself open before the party? Did you imagine it was me? My fingers sliding in and out of your greedy hole, spreading you open enough to take my cock? Were you thinking about me fucking you open, making you take me all in, hard and fast? Or did you use something bigger than your fingers? Shove a toy deep inside of you, trying to make you feel as full as I did?”

Princess brushed against Knave’s prostate again before pulling him fingers out. He ignored Knave’s whine at the loss, and stood up. He pushed Knave into the wall. He used his hands to push Knave’s legs up until the younger wrapped them around Princess’s sturdy waist. Without any warning, Princess thrusted himself to the hilt inside of Knave. Knave cried out. He had prepared himself earlier and Princess had worked him open more, but none of that fully prepared him for how big Princess was. He was barely given any time to adjust before Princess was pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in full force.

Princess started a harsh pace, Knave scrabbling for purchase on Princess’s back. The older teen could feel Knave’s blunt nails digging into his back, positive that he would have red streaks up and down his back. He just tightened his grip on Knave’s hips and adjusted his angle until he had Knave crying out for more. He continued to brutally thrust into the younger, abusing the teen’s prostate over and over.

“You like that, huh? You like that I barely had to stretch you out? I wonder how many times you fingered yourself. How many times you thought about my cock splitting you in two, tearing you apart, and making you come undone. You’re loving this. You love having my hard cock thrusting into your slutty ass, loosening you up until you’re just wrecked and gaping. Just look at you, moaning and begging for it like a wanton bitch in heat. You look amazing like this, sitting on my dick and taking it like you were built for it.”

Knave’s head thanked against the wall. It was all too much. Princess’s lust deepened voice muttering dirty words in his ear, the raspy sex voice, and the constant stimulation to his prostate. It was all too much but by far not enough. He needed more, craved it, but couldn’t find his voice to ask for it, beg if he needed to; pride flown out the window in his lust driven state.

Princess could feel the familiar coiling in his stomach, he sped up his thrusts and bit down on the hicky he left on Knave’s neck, darkening it until it was nearly black. He was sure that their friends could hear every moan and whine Knave let out. He let go of one of Knave’s hips, moving his hand to fist Knave’s cock. It only took a few more thrusts and a couple flicks of the wrist before Knave was cumming, coating both of their abs and chests with his seed.

The feeling of Knave’s wall clamping down on him was all he needed a couple strokes and Princess as done, he buried himself in Knave as far as he could before spilling his seed deep inside his lover. They both held onto each other as they road out the after shocks of their orgasms. When their breathing evened out and their heartbeats slowed back down, Princess pulled out of Knave. The latter whimpering at the loss of feeling so full.

Princess could feel his cum dripping out of Knave’s wrecked hole. He moved one of his hands to scoop up some of his essence on his fingers. He lifted them up to Knave’s mouth and slid his fingers inside, forcing Knave to clean his cum off of his fingers. Pulling his fingers out of Knave’s mouth, Princess soon replaced them with his mouth. He could taste himself on Knave’s tongue and he couldn’t think of anything hotter.

They lazily made out for a few minutes until the water turned cold. The two got out and went to dry off, but when they reached for there clothes, they realized that they were gone. It didn’t take them long to figure out that their so called friends had taken them. They must have been more into each other then they thought if they didn’t even notice someone coming into the bathroom and taking their clothes.

They shook their heads and wrapped towels around their waists before making their way out of the bathroom. They would have gotten farther if Knave’s legs hadn’t turned to jelly at the door. Princess had fucked him good; he could barely stand, let alone walk. Princess just chuckled and leaned to to give Knave a piggy back. He would have carried the younger, but he figured Knave wouldn’t be happy to be carried bridal style into the next room after being fucked up the ass within an inch of his life.


When the boys walked into the room, Ling paused Mean Girls as everyone looked at their two naked friends, who had clearly just had shower sex, fantastic shower sex if those noises were anything to go by. PJ covered his eyes, not wanting to see his male friends in the buff. Everyone else just shamelessly stared at the pair.

“Did you guys confess your love yet?” Tweedle Dee asked.

Princess and Knave just turned red.

“Can we just have our clothes back?”

Amanda, Flotsom, Jetsom, and Tweedle Dee all looked at each other before simultaneously saying, “Nope!”

“You don’t get your clothes back until we get all the juicy details!” Amanda said.

“Well it’s easy to see that Knave took it.” Megara added.

Everyone just laughed as the sixteen year old buried his head in Princess’s neck. This was going to be a long night for them, but a very fun one for everyone else.

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