Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Relevance of Time

With the Holliday season upon us and 2014 drawing closer, it’s made me wonder……Where did this year go? It seems that it’s gone by in a flash, but when I think back to certain events this year, it feels like they happened so long ago.

This time last year, the Innocent Kittens came together and we formed the group that has changed so many lives and helped a lot of us grow up.  I met people that quickly became my family. I reconnected with people from high school that I wasn’t nearly as close with then. It started out as only 12 of us, but throughout the year, we reached a high of 30-ish members. Currently we are at 20 something members.

The original Kittens group was made up of PJ, Padfoot, Megara, Prongs, Pink Panties, Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, Red Queen, Gabba, Knave, Flotsom, and myself. Kari was added very soon after and can be considered an original.

A month after the group came together, we had our first party. Jan 11th, 2013. It’s when Pink Panties got his nickname. It’s where we realized how well we all got along. It’s where Knave and I officially became whatever it was we were doing for 7 months.

A few days after that party, I checked myself in the psychiatric unit of one of the hospitals near me. It was the same one I was in when I was 15. I will not deny that I have been battling depression for a long time, and have almost lost on more than one occasion. I was in a very bad place mentally, and was starting to have thoughts of suicide again. Serious thoughts about it. No matter how much better I get, the thoughts don’t really go away. I was afraid of relapsing, and went to get help before it became an issue.

I ended up getting the help I needed, and I was out not too long after I checked in. I was put on a different medication to help me cope with the stress I was feeling. Things were looking up. A week later, we found out that there was something wrong with my kidneys. Turns out the medication was dehydrating me, which was causing severe pain to my kidneys. I needed the medication, so I learned that I have to drink a Hell of a lot of fluids to keep the pain from coming back. Downside is that I have to pee all the time. Even now.

On January 27th, Red Queen and I had gotten into a small fight over her calling my sister and her friends immature, just because they were acting like regular 16 year old girls. The next day, the fight turned into a knockdown battle through text messages over her defending the pedo that messed with my family. Her and I ended our 7 year friendship with harsh but truthful words. We said things that we meant, and in the end, we were better off not being friends. That marked her departure with the Kittens. Gabba followed her sister right after, not feeling right about staying after all that happened.

My sister joined the Kittens a week later, along with Tigger. It was a huge leap of faith to include my sister in my safe haven. While there can be issues sometimes, it worked out better than I could have ever hoped it to. Sunshine has a group of people always looking out for her; a group that cares about her like family. It’s something that I wish I had had at her age. Winnie followed them not too long after.

Caesar was the next to join the group. She was introduced to us by Prongs. The first thing that Caesar did was lift my shirt and bra up to see my boobs, It was an interesting introduction, but she’s become a very close part of my family, as well as being one of my sister’s closest friends.

Princess was the next one to join the ever growing ranks of the Kittens. It was a drunken party and Pink Panties’ house. I ended up using him as a chew toy. I’m a very affectionate drunk. I ended up learning that my medication does NOT mix will with mass amounts of alcohol.

Sedan was the next to join. It was my way of telling her that we weren’t mad at her for accidentally leaking a private story about Red Queen that got me into trouble with my former friend and her sister.

Dreads joined right after the joint 20th birthday party Megara and I threw ourselves. That party was one of the more memorable one. We had a bonfire in my backyard, during a blizzard. I will never understand why we did it, but we did. I loved every second of it.

In April, Megan conspired with my mother to throw me a surprise 20th party. It was interesting, and will go down as the best party Mama ever threw me, but not for reasons that you’d expect. That night was the night that Cheese grater became an  on-going inside joke with the Kittens. That was also the night that Princess decided to put on a strip show in my back yard. It wasn’t the last time that he whipped it out either. He got pretty cocky about his size after that night.

Kristen and JP were the next to join the group. They became Kittens after the first party at Caesar’s house. It was another night of drunken escapades, and a sauna. JP left soon after. It was just better with his on and off again relationship with Kristen.

This was now around the time that PJ asked Padfoot to prom, which Megara and I helped with. I was now filling in for Flotsom as Prongs’ prom date.

Prom rolled around, and I went as Prongs’ date to her senior prom. Our group consisted of Pink Panties, and Knave, who was his date, and Smalls and Amanda. It definitely topped my own senior prom. After prom was well, After Prom. It was a drunken night of debauchery, swimming, flirting, seeing dead people, and trying to pet fish. Smalls and Amanda joined the group that night.

The day after, After Prom, I was thinking of leaving the group. My sister can be a very mean drunk and things were said that made me feel like it was in everyone’s best interest if I were to leave the group. After a week of cool down time, and everyone talking things out, I decided to stay.

July 4, Knave and I ended whatever it was that we were doing. It was amicable for the most part, but I still made a point to let him know it was a dick move to use me as a replacement for my cousin and then end things because I just wasn’t her. We did make it a point to stay friends.

Padfoot and PJ’s relationship was on the rocks. He was becoming a complete and total jackass to everyone, and I was taking the brunt of it. It was causing a strain on all of us.

Adri joined the group and helped us to knock down Knave’s ego a few pegs.

Padfoot and I set Princess and Hades up with each other. Soon after, Hades and his best friend, Sammie, joined the group. Things were working out pretty damn well.

There was another party at Pink Panties’ house that ended up with his friend Sam whipping his dick out and joining the group. He was drunk. By this point, we’d seen most of the guys whip it out for us to see. The Innocent Kittens, really were never all too innocent. That was the second time that Zee was out at one of our parties. The then 14 year old was not actually permitted in the group, but came along with Tigger a lot anyways. We never really minded too much.

I had started working at Loving Hut, a vegan restaurant around this time. With the new job came two new Kittens, my coworkers, Watson and Lex.

This kid Jason ended up in our group somehow, and it was okay for a week. He turned out to be kind of psychotic, and that’s putting it mildly. We never really got around to kicking him out of the group.

In mid-August a few things happened all at once. I had a brief fling with Arda the asshole, Megara’s car ended up completely totaled, as did my dad’s due to a drunk driver smashing into Megara’s car so hard that the force knocked it into the back of my dad’s car. Thankfully we were all inside when this happened. Padfoot broke up with PJ, twice; he didn’t understand the first time and spent 2 weeks still thinking that they were together. Princess and Hades separated under less than ideal terms. It was a mess and Princess is still paying his dues for the lies that he told,  but he has learned his lesson now. Prongs broke up with her long time boyfriend, but didn’t announce it for a week since all of the above happened at the same time. She ended up dating Edgar not too long after.

Edgar and Ry entered the group pretty fast. Hades left after his part with Princess.

With the exception of PJ becoming a total dick and lashing out on all of us, things had started to settle down into a nice flow.

Gabba and I were speaking again, and she started going out with the group again. Things were becoming good again, even though Knave was starting to pull away from all of us after Flotsom had flat out told him that it was never going to happen between them.

Pink Panties and Sedan started dating, and they make the cutest/awkward couple ever!

Gabba introduced me to Joker. It was instant attraction the moment we met. Things happened really fast with him. It was only 2 months but somehow he got to me in a way that took others years to. I’ll always be grateful that I never completely fell for him, and infinitely am I grateful that I never had sex with him. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt about him not having STI’s but that boy got around.

Joker integrated with the Kittens seamlessly. It was too good to be true. He was everything I thought I wanted, even now I can’t bring myself to regret that. It was fun while it lasted. He couldn’t handle a little criticism from my mother and decided that he was done with me instead of apologizing to my pregnant mother, whom he insulted my accident. I did cry for a day afterward, but then sadness was replaced by anger. It’s honestly his loss. I’m just as fine without him as I was with him around. That was right before Thanksgiving.

Right after Halloween Caesar threw a Halloween party at her house. Flotsom was actual going to be at the party. Sunshine and I showed up an hour late. Flotsom was already passed out when we got there. We thought she was messing with us and just pretending to be asleep until the seizure started. She ended up coughing up blood. We called an ambulance and Amanda, Padfoot, and I preformed emergency first aid. Oxy was found in her bag and she had been drinking and smoking pot. We had to file a police report. Only 6 of us were there when the police showed up. We had everyone else leave, or it would have just made things so much more complicated.

Flotsom tried to blame everything on us, saying we forced her to take drugs. None of us knew she had them on her until after she started seizing and had to get her ID out of her bag. Her mother threatened police charges on us for saving her daughter’s life! It was ridiculous, but left us all shaken up. Flotsom’s boyfriend continuously harassed certain Kittens for weeks after, yelling at us for things that NEVER happened. He was never all that mentally stable either way. Charges were never actually pressed; it wasn’t the first time those cops had to deal with her making false claims.

Knave talked to us a few times after that party. Him and I got into it over how we chose to deal with things. He wanted us to stand by and coddle Flotsom until she decided to get help. The rest of us decided to cut her out of our lives until she got better. Standing by her is something that we would have done if she hadn’t tried to blame her mistakes on us. We weren’t about to jeopardize our futures on someone who didn’t care enough about us to tell the truth. Knave hasn’t spoken to any of us since the fight over what to do about everything. We all walked away, but he loves her too much to do that, even if it’s only hurting him in the end.

After that night, the Kitten’s group disbanded. Our group pages were taken down out of self-preservation. Rules were set up and we haven’t had another party since then. We’ve actually been keeping a low profile since that night. Eventually there were to more pages created for those of us who needed it to vent and feel safe to talk. As of right now, the Kittens are still no more. Those of us that were in the group call ourselves former Kittens now.

While we aren’t the Innocent Kittens anymore, there is a group of us that still hang out and talk regularly. The ones in the new page consist of Prongs, Padfoot, Megara, Pink Panties, Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, Sunshine, Tigger, Winnie, Caesar, Princess, Sedan, Kristen, Amanda, Smalls, Dreads, Hades, Edgar, Ry and myself. I still see Watson all the time at work.

The close-nit group of us that are usually hang out and talk are Padfoot, Prongs, Edgar, Ry, Caesar, Megara, Sunshine, Tigger, Sedan, Pink Panties, and myself. When Dreads is back in the state, then he’s usually with us as well.

We still talk to the others, but not as much as we used to. When we can, we all try to see each other, it’s just that schedules conflict, and our lives outside the group demand attention. Even though the Kittens disbanded, our friendships are still mostly intact. With everything that’s happened, it’s made the year go by so fast, though looking back it feels like some of the events happened so much longer ago than they actually did. Time is relevant, but it goes by and slows down all at the same time so often that it’s all you can do to just live it day by day, and take the bumps, setbacks, and surprises as they come. Remembering this past year, so much ahs happened to all of us, and so much has changed, but at the same time, nothing’s really changed at all.


ILive4Irony417 a.k.a. Amanda

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