Monday, September 23, 2013

New Paths, Strange Friends, and Life

Life has interesting ways of going where you never thought it would. Doesn't mean that it's a bad thing, but plans fall through. People change and we all grow up. Some of us, more gracefully than others. I have a new group of people in my life and some of the older group are still around, so let's update y'all first, then get into the juicy stuff.

We will start with my Fab 5. They are the 5 friends that I know I can always count on, and they will always have my back.
Megara~ My best friend, who I love. I know that I can always count on her. We've both been pretty busy lately and haven't seen each other much, but we talk almost everyday and we make time for one another. That's how you know who you're real friends are, and the ones who'll always be there. You work to make time for each other, even when you have no time to spare.

Padfoot aka Beret Girl~ She recently broke up with PJ, who still thinks that they are going to be getting back together. Not gonna happen! She's a great friend, and we have a lot of fun. Including when we pretended to date.

Prongs, aka Jetsom ~ She broke up with her boyfriend 2 months ago. She is now dating Edgar, who makes her so much happier than Oliver ever did. She's an interesting one, but I know she'll always be there if I need her.

Pink Panties ~ He may be dating my sister's friend now, but he will always be Pink Panties. He's one of the few people that know everything that happened when I went to Riverview last January. I know I can trust him, and that he'd be there if I ever needed him. He's like family now.

Tweedle Dee ~ He puts the Fab is Fab 5. He is just Fabulous! We share the same thought process and have an interesting outlook on most things. He is my partner in glittery crime, and I wouldn't change that for anything.

Next there is the "Little Ones" of the group. (The Kittens have grown to the massive size of 31!)

Sunshine ~ My 16 year old sister, who I am so happy that we can share a group of friends without steeping on each other's toes....much.

Knave ~ The youngest male of the group, who happens to have a 2 inch dick. (Megara says that it isn't a penis, it's a clit.) He and I didn't talk much this summer. There was the fallout with us trying to figure out how to be just friends. He doesn't know how to handle the me-being-over-him thing very well. He is still hopelessly head over heels for Flotsom.

Tigger ~ One of Sunshine's Fab 5. She is like another little sister to me. She can be pretty damn out there sometimes, but her heart is in the right place.

Winne~ Another of Sunshine's Fab 5. She is a sweetheart. She has been getting her shit in order lately and is doing a pretty good job of it. She's also great at Bon-Fires.

Sedan ~ She is dating Pink Panties. Another of Sunshine's Fab 5. She is very artistic and is my mini-me!

Zee ~ She is the youngest. Only 14, but pretty damn fun to hang out with. Another of Sunshine's Fab 5.

Now we got the other Kittens that I hang out with. PJ, who has been grating on all our nerves as of late. Princess, who came out and dated Hades. Caesar, who really needs to not smoke as much as she does. Flotsom, who has not interest in Knave, and told him that it isn't gonna happen, ever. Dreads, who is back in Delaware for now. Tweedle Dum, who is always working. Kari is back at school. Watson and Lex are back at school. Adri is elusive as always.

I've been hanging out with Smalls and Amanda more often. They are Edgar's friends as well. Amanda is how Prongs and Edgar met. My coworker, Syd, has joined the Kittens. She fits in with us very well.

Outside of the Kittens, I have a few other people that I hang out with and love. Gabba and I are good again, which I am very grateful for. She is taking a hiatus from the Kittens right now. Somma is back in my life again, well more active in it again. He is so active and I swear that man is perfect! Arda is an asshole, but a loveable one. Hades, of curse; he's in RI for school right now and I miss my baby! Then there is Ti, who I have known since we were 6.

The people in my life are very interesting, and I am very happy with all of them, mostly.

Now for some news!

1.) Momma is having a boy. I will be 20 years older than my little brother when my mom pops him out in December.

2.) Prongs and Oliver broke up and she is now dating Edgar.

3.) Padfoot and PJ broke up. It's for the best. He isn't taking it very well.

4.) PJ doesn't like Edgar because PJ is sad and bitter about being dumped so he doesn't like that Edgar makes Prongs happy.

5.) PJ has just been a massive dick to everyone lately and I cannot tolerate him that much anymore. None of us can.

6.)Pink Panties is dating Sedan! They are so adorably awkward together!

7.) My dad is moving down to Florida in April. Megara and I may be going with him. Her and I aren't sure yet.

Honestly, this year has just proved that plans that we set for ourselves just fall through. It isn't really a bad thing at all. Prongs is so much happier with Edgar than she was with Oliver. She may have thought she was going to spend her life with Oliver at the beginning of the year, but she is happier now. Padfoot is happier without PJ and she was going to consider marrying him at one point. I was going to go to Canada for beauty school. I got sick, those plans got shot to Hell, and now I am possibly going to Florida with my best friend and my father to go for business management.

Time changes your goals, and what you love. Sometimes it isn't for the best, but sometimes it works out in your favor. s ou get older you experiance so many new and exciting things. You learn more about yourself. Things that you though you'd love turn out to suck, and sometimes the paths you never thought you'd take turn out to be the ones that make you the happiest.

Sometimes the stress gets to be too much and things just change so fast. Sometimes I can't catch a break or my breath. My family can frustrate me to the point of near meltdown, and there can be huge knock down blowout fights. My friends are scattered, and sometimes we don't see each other for weeks or months on end. Despite everything and every setback/misfortune, I truly, genuinely am happy with my life and myself at this point.

Until next time,

Irony Aka Amanda