Monday, June 10, 2013

Broken Hearts, Pregnant Mother's, and Prom

Right now I have a migraine that makes me want to curl up and die.I haven't posted in a couple months and I know that if I don't post something now, then I'll be lazy about it. I'm going to keep this a short post, which you know is something that I'm usually not capable of doing.

Here are a few quick updates about what's going on in my crazy family/life:

1.) My Mama is pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! And it just may be twins. I will keep all of you posted as the pregnancy progresses.

2.) I am going to be Jetsem's date to her senior prom. Knave is going to be Ling's date.

3.) Knave and I got into a little fight, which I will post the details of later on.

4.) My stepdad is booting his freeloading sister out of the house. Thankfully. I will post more on that soon.

So I am very confused about what is going on with me and Knave. I don't know if it falls into Life Issues or Lessons Learned. I am just going to post it and hopefully some of you will have advice for me.

I am just going to copy and paste my convo with Beret Girl about the entire thing because my head is killing me and I really can't look at this screen for much longer. First, I'll put a brief synopsis of it that I sent to Tarzan. He currently wants to kick Knave's ass.

So here is what I sent to Tarzan about what went down with me and Knave:

Hey love! I need your opinion/advice/etc. Okay, so I fell head over heels for my friend Knave. I told him and we agreed just friends. Then later that night he told our friend, Watson that it's complicated when she asked if we were together. He pulls me into his lap and grabs my hand and flirts all the time. So I confronted him on what the Hell are we doing. He said that we were something, but he didn't know what. So this goes on for a bit and it just gets confusing. So I ask him on a date and he says no. His reason is that I am not Flotsom. She is my cousin, who Knave happens to like. I am not good enough because I am not her. She is dating someone. So I stop talking to him outside of group hangouts. We share the same group of friends so it isn't like I can vent my frustration without causing drama. I am not gonna do that to them. He just keeps flirting with me and acting like he didn't completely break my heart by telling me I am not enough because I am not my cousin. I have no idea what to do. I can't tell him to knock it off without causing issues and at the same time, even though I am mad at him, I don't want him to stop even though it hurts me.

Yeah, so I am just going to leave it at this for now. I will post my convo with Beret Girl about it tomorrow. This migraine is making me really sick right now.


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