Monday, October 8, 2012

Princess, Working, and Martyr's For Attention

Have you ever worked with that one person who has your boss wrapped around their pretty little finger? The co-worker who suffers bare minimum consequences for things that you would get fired if you even considered doing? The one who knows that no matter what they do, they won't get fired? In this instance it happens to the fairest of them all; our own little princess, Snow White. Give her a round of applause, but only if you're a guy, since that's the only attention she can hold.

We all have this one type of person in our lives. They went through something difficult in their past and made it through spectacularly, but then they start to put themselves in even more hard situations that they could have easily avoided. They turn themselves into a martyr, the never-ending victim. The put themselves into hardships to get everyone's sympathy.They can never be at fault; no matter what they do to anyone around them, they will convince everyone that they are the only victim.

Life Issue #5

On Sunday September 30, Snow White came to work high off of her ass. Megara was hanging out at the deli for a bit. Mufasa, Snow White and, I were the ones on shift. Well the ever intellegent Snow White told Megara and I that she had smoked pot before coming to work and was effectively stoned out of her mind. She almost took me out with a cutting board, Megara had to apologize to customers for Snow White's behavior and Mufasa and I had to fix all of her mistakes. She screwed up orders, couldn't speak right and had no clue what the hell she was doing!

Megara had informed my father and Frollo about what Snow White had done. Mufasa and I told them the exact same thing and apparently so did a customer.They were mad for like two days and then nothing.A slap on the wrist and she was good to go!

The day after she got caught, dad and Frollo called Snow White into the office and they told her it was a slap in the face and they were upset with her. They took it too personally. They told her that more than one of her co-workers said something but she somehow only blames me for it. She told Megara that I was a bitch, and that I need to mind my own business. She makes all of her business everyone else's business, but that's another story I'll save for a couple paragraphs after this one. She told my dad that she does all the cleaning on Sundays and that all I do is talk. (Let's just take a break for a second to clear a few things up:
1.) I close pretty much everyday, so I clean up the morning worker's messes 5 days a week. They don't really clean because they know someone's coming in after them.
2.) She only cleans on Sundays. That's the only day a week that she does it!
3.) She spends all day talking; she tells the regulars about everything going on in her life. She saddles up to Frollo and my dad to give them all the latest gossip from her life. If you won't talk to her, then she'll throw a temper fit and tell everyone you're being mean to her for no reason. And she spends all day on her phone!) Now I'm the first to admit that I like to talk, and I do slack sometimes, but if someone points out something that I'm doing wrong, then I will try my hardest to not do it again. You wanna know who's side they're on? The stoned little princess.

Yes, you read that right. Snow White comes to work high, and Megara and I are the ones who get yelled at after. All Snow White had to do was complain about us, and they were all for jumping on our backs over it. Nevermind the fact that Snow White always lies to them, plays them and they know it too. They know she's lied to them more times than she can count.....wait that's only to 5 and I'm being generous. Okay she's lied to them more times than the deli's accountant can count. Go figure that they took her side, she has such redeeming qualities, no?

If we have a problem with her, then they tell us to handle it ourselves, they say, "Well, what can you do?" Well you know what? Fuck that! Fuck the bullshit! And fuck the moronic little princess to the darkest depths of the Hell that she believes in!

For some background on Snow White, know that this isn't the first time we've had issues with her since she started at the end of February.

Snow White had been in an abusive relationship with a man 20 years her senior when she started. After a month of working with us, she left the bastard and moved in with my dad. She would continuously go back to Georgie Porgie (this is what the ass shall be known as), and let my dad think that he had a chance with her. She fucked with his feelings and with his head just because she could.

Now don't let Georgie Porgie's abusive nature towards her fool you, she gives just as good as she gets. He'll hit her, and she'll hit back. He controls her, and she manipulates him. They fight, hurt, accuse and break each other, things get better for  few weeks and the whole sick cycle carousel starts all over again. Snow White isn't as stupid as she acts; she knows what she's doing. She plans out how to get Georgie Porgie to do whatever she wants while making him think it was all his idea.

I don't agree with domestic abuse, I think it is disgusting and horrible, but Snow White has had so many outs. She got away from him, and was doing great, but when we all stopped showering her in attention because she was actually safe now, she went back to him. She likes to abuse and she likes the fight.

Snow White is one of those people who isn't happy unless everyone else thinks they aren't. She likes everyone trying to make sure that she's okay when she's perfectly fine. Her and Georgie Porgie are dependent on each other's misery and pain. They aren't happy together but they're miserable without one another. They can't function unless they know the other is going to be there for them to hurt and break down. They get off on being able to anger one another, making each other cry; They break one another down to their worst, and most vulnerable and continue breaking each other down till there's nothing left for themselves but each other. It's disgusting, but they are worse people when they aren't together.

When Snow White wasn't with Georgie Porgie, and right after they got back together the first time, during those two months, she manipulated my dad. She flirted with him, even though she knew that she would never stray far from Georgie Porgie. She knew that she was never going to give my dad a chance, but she continued to play him to gain slack at work, which ended up with everyone else having to work harder because she barely was.

Snow White may claim to be a very religious person, but she is one of the biggest sinners that I know. She thrives on attention and playing with males' feelings. She has little in the way of remorse and she will take down anyone that stands in the way of her getting what she wants. Right now Megara and I are standing in the way of her keeping all the leeway she's gotten at work. She's already got Frollo and my father wrapped around her dainty little finger; she talks shit about me and has my father defending it!

Let's face it, the real Snow White's issue was that she was too pretty so females hated her and all these guys were falling all over themselves to help her, and letting them think they were coming up wit the terms when in fact, she set the terms.She sat back and let all these different guys do her dirty work.The Snow White I work with, she has pretty much no female friends because she gets mad when they don't fall for her bullshit. She has mostly guy friends, and she let's them "choose" what she does, but she leads them all around by the nose. She has the guys around her finger, and tricks them into doing her dirty work. They really aren't much different. All together, Snow White is one pathetic excuse for a princess. It's a good thing she's pretty because she really does't have much else going for her; her personality is shit.

So the main points here are:

1.) Snow White came to work high, and barely got more than a slap on the wrist. Megara and I are paying for it. (The only thing I know is that Snow White's paycheck was affected.)

2.) Snow White only blames me for them finding out about it, and is targeting me.

3.) She has the bosses wrapped around her finger so no matter what she does, she'll never get fired for it.


When we had the first issue with Snow White, Megara actually had to take a vacation from working at the deli because Snow White's manipulations on my dad were too much to deal with. It's starting to get to that point again for her. Snow White has no respect for anyone around her.

I don't know how things are going to play out now. We have a staff meeting later on today since it is now past midnight. Megara and I aren't going to say anything. It isn't worth it. Snow White will never get in trouble and the blame always falls on Megara and I. If they ask why we aren't talking, "Well what can you do about it?" And, "It is what it is."

If you have any advice, I'd love to hear it, and if you have a question, I'll do my best to answer it.

Until next time, this is Irony wishing you well.

~ILive4Irony417 a.k.a Amanda.

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