Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year, New Adventures, Same Crazy Roller Coaster

Things have been a little hectic over here but that's no reason to neglect you guys. I'll give you a little rundown of the chaos. 

1.) The deli is closed down. We were told right before Sandy hit. So I am out of a job. 
2.) My great-grandmother died last month.
3.) My sister, Sunshine, turned 16 last month.
4.) My youngest sister turned 7 on the 2nd.
5.) Femme Fatale's little brother passed away right before Christmas.
6.) My Pop-pop is in a nursing home now. He cannot go back home or my Uncle will get arrested for elderly abuse. Not sure if I already told y'all that.
7.) Sunshine got herself a boyfriend!

And lastly, I have a new cast in my life. Out with the old in with the new! I realized that certain people just don't belong in my life anymore..though there are some that I still have worked up the courage to kick out of it. I keep trying to reason my cowardice by saying that I'm moving to Canada in April, I just don't want to cause drama now.

Sunshine ~ My now 16 year old half sister. We possibly have different fathers. My mother isn't too sure on that one. She just got her first boyfriend. She has one of the worst attitudes I have ever seen. It's to the point she's just saying things to purposely hurt everyone around her. Bitch.

Brighty ~ My 12 year old step sister. She has ADD, and is a little out there. She likes to thin that she's older than she is. We've been trying to get it through her head that she can't keep chatting up people she doesn't know online, and we really need to get her to stop giving out her cell n\umber to them!

Chunk-a-Muffin ~ My youngest step sister. She is adorably pudgey. She is full of energy and imagination. Though she tends to say things that we have no clue where she learned it from. (The dreaded "I'm gonorrhea-saurus!" phrase from August....)

Megara ~ As always, we have my best friend. She has finally raised her GPA enough to transfer to the school she actually wants to go to. Let's hope Spidey-boy gets jealous enough to confess to her.\

Mad Hatter/Hatter ~ My baby! He is and always will be one of the most important people to me. I may have outed him and his boyfriend to some of my family...whoops!

March Hare/Mad March ~ My hopefully, soon-to-be brother-in-law. The Mad Hatter's boyfriend. He calls me his sister now!

Femme Fatale ~ She has finally decided to stay single for awhile. About time! And she is kicking Morgan the pedophile top the curb! (I will explain about him after this.)

Dodger ~ He's still the same. Only now I can actually stay pissed at him. So getting even with him..he needs to not treat me like I can't do anything!

Cheshire ~ I wish we could talk more, but things just get really crazy sometimes. Cross continent friendships are hard, but we've managed for about 3 years now.

Now we have everyone else. They are the group that calls them selves the Kittens. Megara and I belong in this group.

P.J.~ This is the new name for Dee. He finally managed to land himself an awesome girlfriend. That's something the Red Queen isn't exactly thrilled about. He's happier that I've seen him in awhile.

Beret Girl ~ P.J.'s girlfriend! I new her in high school. She's pretty cool and very fun to be around. We always have a great time when we all go out. With her in the group, we have added some more of our hometown friends. The group has become lighter and more fun since she joined.

Red Queen ~ She is still the same. Causing drama and getting mad at us for no reason at all. She's starting to get on every one's nerves, including her own sister. We are all walking on eggshells to not piss her off, lest she kill us all. She is currently with a beau but she is extremely jealous of P.J. and Beret Girl's relationship.

Lafayette ~ Formally known as Tiger Lily. She is still the same crazy girl she was. We've started hanging out more again, and I'm glad. I may not get along with her sister half of the time, but at least it isn't straining our friendship.

Tweedle Dee ~ He is fabulous! He shares my love of Batman and all things DC. He's a Naruto fan, pansexual, and completely amazing! I've known him for a couple years and it's great actually being able to hand out with him without all the drama.

Tweedle Dum ~ He is amazing with cameras. I shouldn't be surprised since he's amazing at TV and production club. He's a great person to be friends with, and he's very understanding. He's one of those crazy fun people that have a really comforting presence. 

Big Mama ~ She hasn't been in the group long, but she is fun and definitely someone I can't wait to hang out with more.

Flotsom ~ She is a little ball of hyper-active sexual energy. There is no other way to put her. She's entertaining and fun to be around. She's adorable. Her and the Knave of Hearts have sexual tension that is so thick, you could cut it with a knife. They would make an adorable couple if they just got their act together, and actually got together.

Knave of Hearts ~ He is only 16 but when we're all hanging out, it's really easy to forget that. I wouldn't have even known. When I first met him, I thought he was 18/19. He runs track, is sexy as all Hell, and happens to be so sweet. I stupidly have ended up with actual feelings for him. It's so fucked up. Not only is the 3 year age difference a big deal, he's in love with someone else, and she happens to be dating an ass hole, but has no problem having her mouth attached to him at all times when they are hanging out. I know in 10 years the 3 year difference won't be a big deal, but right now it is. I'm leaving in a couple months and will be gone for almost a year. By then Flotsom and Knave should be happily together. Doesn't make make the pain in my chest hurt any less, but I know it's best this way. With the exception of Megara, the Tweedles, PJ and Beret Girl, no one knows. Well Lafayette does...some of them figured it out, and they all just tried making me feel better about the whole thing. I don't think I would've made it through that night without some of them.

Jetsom ~ Flotsom's best friend. She is one of the most interesting people I have ever met. She is truly one of a kind, and I'm lucky I got to meet her. She made an interesting impression on my dad and Sunshine. I hope I stay friends with her for a long time.

Ling ~ He is the most normal of the group...and that's saying something about us. Our friendship started quite interestingly. Alcohol was involved..and he had to help me in my house because I couldn't walk straight. I almost would've went out with him, but I'm glad I didn't. I like him better as a friend.

Okay! So now it is time to explain Morgan the pedophile!

So it's a long story.....I will just summarize it. He was friends with Lafayette and Femme Fatale's ex. He tried to hook-up with me, I introduced him to Megara. He Made inappropriate passes at my then 15 year old and 12 year old sisters. He's 22. He threatens to leave me a far ways from my home because I said I  wouldn't marry him..I'd only known him a week. He yelled at me when Megara turned him down. We find out he keeps a lot of naked pictures of his Ex gf's on his computer. He buys some of the Kitten's alcohol. We all get drunk. He gets Flotsom drunk a couple times after this when it was just her. It ends up with Jetsom going outside to see Morgan screaming and going nuts on Flotsom, and her crying on the ground. He proceeds to trash talk the two of them, then quite a few of the Kittens. He tries to talk about me to Megara through texts while I'm sitting across the table from him. I get mad and tell him off. He talks about me to Jetsom. Megara tells him that we are half-sisters, and he finally leaves her alone. He gets engaged to a 16 year old that may have given him Hep C. They enter a triad with Holez. That ends with a restraining order, the 16 year-old's head bashed in a wall, and Morgan doing a quick stink in the Nut House. Him and Hoelz decide to be together. after a couple weeks they decide they want to have a baby. Now it's been a month and they are engaged. Lafayette told him off 2 days ago, as did Femme Fatale. He isn't talking to any of us now. He told Femme Fatale that he didn't want to hear it when her little brother died, but he expected her to listen to his relationship problems. He is an ass hole.

That's a quick recap of everything since the middle of October. It's been fun, crazy, depressing and totally fucked up. Glad the year is finally done, but I know new problems lie ahead, and I'm ready for it. It's a new year, and I'm not exactly the same as I was but i'm still me. I'm ready to kick ass this year. The Kittens will be taking over! And hopefully my book will be published. Look forward to the up coming year everyone! In a couple months, all new people will be coming in. A whole new life in another country! Be prepared because Heaven knows I'm not!

Until next time,

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