Monday, February 6, 2012

Love Triangles, & Unsure Feelings

Hey, this is Irony here. Some of you know me as Amanda if you're coming from some of the other sites I belong to. I'm not going to wax poetic on you, I just need a space to write my thoughts and get feedback. I trust people who don't know me as well to give me a more honest feedback.

So let's get to it :

Life issue #1 - As a girl, I spent a lot of time when I was younger putting together what I thought my perfect guy would be like. He would have great music taste, prefer DC to Marvel, love horror movies, etc. Of course, it's not like I found him right away.

In the mean time I went through some romantic rough patches. Dating the male best friend didn't go so well, some were liars, and the one that I actually did love ended because I messed up. Oh, and let's not forget that most of my friends are gay, lesbian, bisexual, pans/omnisexual, transexual, etc. It's hard finding a guy my age that can handle that.

Currently I have really strong feelings for a guy that is NOTHING like what I had planned for in a dream guy. He's into RPG's, he has no taste in music, he has barely any idea of what Marvel and DC are, and he hates horror movies. To be honest, I think I might just love him, but I'm not entirely sure of my feelings yet. We'll call this guy TC.

There's this other guy that's pretty close to what I've always wanted. I had a crush on him when we were freshman in high school, and after certain events, we recently became friends after having not talked to each toher for a few years. We have the same tastes, and he secretly loves DC. The only thing is, he can't hold up a conversation unless it's through texting. He'll call me if he's worried about me, but it would be nice if when we're hanging out he would actually be able to hold a convo that lasted more than 30 seconds. We'll call this guy JB.

TC and I can and have talked on the phone all day. It's usually about the weirdest things, like how we wish cartoons and TV shows were like they were when we were younger. (What happened to Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, Code Lyoko, All That, Clarissa Explains It All, Hey Dude, Teen Titans, Power Puff Girls? I mean, What the Hell is Adventure TIme?! The cartoons and teens shows that are on now are ridiculous. Who wants to watch a sexually confused sponge, or animals in their underwear?) We dork out over anime/comi-coms. And we talk politics. He doesn't even mind when I show him new music since he doesn't really have a specific taste in it.

There's a third guy that we're going to call SA. SA is in a band, we have similar tastes in music, comics, and movies. We even both own dwarf rabbits. We talk about music all the time and introduce each other to really great bands that we would't have found otherwise. He's in a band himself, and they're really good. They're called the Unbearable Slackers. He's really sweet and I've known him for awhile. He's even checked out and helped me with my song lyrics.He's the embodiment of everything I wanted for m y dream guy, but I have no romantic inclinations towards him whatsoever.

So the main points here are :

1.) I have strong feelings, that may or may not be love, for a guy that is nothing like what I dreamed for.
2.) I have a crush on a guy that is pretty much everything I want, but there just really aren't any sparks. He and I undersdtand each other, but we just don't connect.
3.) I found my dream guy, but I have absolutly zero romantic feelings for him.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Everyone says JB and I are so good together and we should date, but I can't really be myself with him since he can't hold a conversation. SA is amazing, and I think he's awesome, but I just don't have feelings for him. TC is wonderful; he understands me very well, he tries to be interested in what I am, and he's so much fun to talk to and hang out with. TC is one of the greatest people I have ever met, and I could imagine actually dating him, but his best friend and I had a little thing a couple years ago that just fully ended about 6 months ago.

I'm afraid that if I choose one, that they might be the wrong one, and what if none of them are the right one? I want to not choose, but I can't stand leaving things in limbo like thing. What if I don't choose and one of them was the one? I've had so many screw-ups when it comes to relationships that I'm afraid to actually try again. The thought of dating very well makes me nausous, so the fact that I can picture dating TC with out emptying my stomach should say something, right?

If you have any advice, I'd love to hear it, and if you have any questions, I will answer as honestly as I can.

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